Bedazzled Sock Bunnies : a Super Fun DIY Kid Craft

Easter may be over, but I just have to share this Sock Bunny DIY with you that I found from A Pumpkin and a Princess. These DIY Sock Bunnies are the cutest and my daughter LOVED making them with me. I of course was the only one in charge of the hot glue gun but it was completely all my daughter's idea to "bedazzle" them as she said. She wanted the girl bunnies to have earrings, a fancy flower clip and each bunny received a special flower rhinestone under their bow. I used rice for the bottom part of the body so they could sit up-right and then a styrofoam ball for their head. The purple one has braces as that was my daughter's. She also gave the bunnies eyelashes {girls}, eyebrows {boys} and whiskers. Don't they make you smile?