Bring out the Gaudy Decorations, it's an Ugly Sweater Party

It’s time to bring out the gaudy decorations, it’s Ugly Sweater Party Season. Selini of Sweet as Melli (and on Instagram) put together a super fun Ugly Sweater Party with my matching ugly sweater party confetti.

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Even if you’re Ugly Sweater Party is only with a few family members this year, it doesn’t mean it can’t be extra fun. The spectacular fringe backdrop was created by Ashley of Hudson Grey Events. I just love all the colors in this party backdrop and of course gold is a must with the colors for the true gaudy decor or ugly sweater parties. To add to the gaudy factor - Selini added a tinsel garland and even used the garland around the bottom of her cake stand.


No Ugly Sweater Party is complete without a contest of course. Who will win the most creative, tackiest and funniest title? These ugly sweater ballot cards are from Pixels and Pop along with the Tacky Sweater Contest Sign. And, yes - along with my Ugly Sweater confetti mix which has the most unique collection of sequins included, you will also receive the gold hangers and hand-glittered sweater cut outs.


Gold cups are of course essential to add to the gaudiness factor at this party and the napkins from Celebrate We Will are just perfect with their kitschy sayings - Gingerbread (oh snap), Candy Cane (so twisted) and Christmas bulb (getting lit).


For the hot drinks at your ugly sweater party - these sweater mugs (also from Celebrate We Will) are the best. The wrappers around them even have mittens holding the cup. So cute.


Selini also sent each guest home with the cutest treats in these adorable favor boxes. And, look at these ugly sweater cookies from The Vanilla Bean Baker, the detail on them is outstanding. She was able to even make them look like some of the sweaters Selini and her family wore to the party.

Are you ready for your very own Ugly Sweater Party?

Featured Vendors:
Party Host and Stylist: Selini of Sweet as Melli
Confetti: Festive Fetti
Printables: Jennifer with Pixels and Pop
Fringe Backdrop: Ashley with Hudson Grey Events
Party Supplies: Celebrate We Will
Frosted Cookies: The Vanilla Bean Baker