DIY Decorative Halloween Candles with Artwork of your Choice

I am loving today's DIY from Melodrama. It's amazing how you can connect to someone thru social media. My bat wand diy from Monday was liked by Melodrama on instagram - the name intrigued me so I clicked it. Well, I then fell in love with Krys' feed and was intrigued by her Halloween Candles so I headed to her blog. I'm in love with her ideas and photos. I immediately asked if I could share this DIY and Krys happily agreed. I will be giving you a bit of an abbreviated DIY here, but please be sure to head over to Melodrama for the complete DIY on making these decorative Halloween candles. Krys has photos of the steps involved and even more of the finished candles.
DIY Decorative Halloween Candles with clip art, hand-drawn art or rubber stamps | from Melodrama | as seen on

For this project you will need the following items, which I have a feeling you likely already have on hand:
• Candles {varying heights is a great idea}
• Wax Paper
• Tissue Paper
• Rubber Stamps or InkJet Printer
• Colored Pencils and Pens
• Heat/Embossing Tool or (very hot) Blowdryer

DIY Decorative Halloween Candles - created with tissue paper | from Melodrama | as seen on

Krys has you start with tissue paper and placing your image on the shiny, smooth side of the paper. She suggests using a rubber stamp, a hand-drawn image {think art from your kids}, or images you find online {one of my favorites for vintage royalty free images is The Graphics Fairy}. Once you have your images on the tissue paper, you will to cut them out as close to the edge as possible. PS: Did you know that you can tape a piece of tissue paper to a piece of inkjet paper and feed it through your printer? This is GENIUS!!!! Just be sure to resize your digital images to fit your candle size.

Now, it's time to put your imagery onto the candles . . . simply use a bit of glue stick to adhere your tissue paper to the candle. Then you will take a piece of wax paper and wrap it around the candle directly over your paper image. You will use your heat tool or blow dryer to melt the wax paper. It will be melted when the image gets clearer and you can't see the edges of the tissue paper cut-out any longer. Be sure not to over do it though as your candle can warp.

The tissue paper cut-outs will be embedded and sealed into a new layer of wax once the wax paper is peeled off. Great Tip from Krys: "Make sure you use a fresh piece of wax paper for each candle to get a clean, smooth finish."

To see this Halloween Candle tutorial in full and to see many other great ideas for crafts, please be sure to visit Melodrama.