Trendiest Products for Newborns

{Guest blogging with Plush Little Baby}

Announcing a new addition to the family stirs enough excitement but the foundations that come with welcoming a new baby furthers the anticipation. One in particular is the research and shopping that goes into finding the best products for your newborn. Jina Park, CEO and Founder of PLUSH: the Posh Little Urbanites Show and author of Plush Little Baby recently gave birth to her third child and her true exhilaration came from using products that were researched for the upcoming LA show in June.

After months of rigorously searching for the newest, trendiest and most innovative, eco-friendly products in the industry, these products really caught her attention for her newest addition, her baby girl, Alexandra Park. The newborn already has clear indications of her favorite items and Jina gives great insight for all newborns. The following lists some of the hottest new products:


* Babyhome Dream Cot

* Britax Frontier Car Seats

* Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack

* Giggle Better Basics Newborn Apparel

* Summer Infant Touch Video Monitor

* Ubbi Diaper Pail

* Puj Flyte Tub


These hot new products were a hit in the Park household and Jina is excited to share her expertise in finding the best products for new moms and dads. With the PLUSH Show occurring from June 7-9th, top manufacturers, trendy parents, media and A-List celebrities will be excited to see these great products.